Wehrmacht Reinforcements

Alright, I've now got the second company of Wehrmacht circa 1940 all done. More Command Decision figures by Old Glory - these are excellent castings. I find that most of them needed the mold line filed off their helmets, and the feet on some of the figures are a little out of proportion, but on a 15mm figure using the two foot rule, that's not a problem.

I took some photos of a the figure that shows how significant the effect of the Army  Painter varnish can be. This stuff allows one to prepare well-finished figures with significant savings in time and effort compared to inking and drybrushing with different colours. If you're after a Golden Demon award or want to create works of art, the dip may not be for you, but if you've an army to put together, I can't recommend this technique strongly enough.
I put Army Painter on my figures by brush, and have found a tin last a very long time applying it this way. I've also used it on my WotR troops, and will try to get a few pictures up of those as well.

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