So, after a bit of a gap, here’s another long-overdue post. Following
on from painting the Gripping Beast Vikings I was working on, I managed to
finish them off and eventually paint up an opposing force of Anglo-Saxons. The
two sides share a drawer in GHQ, and eventually an argument spilled over into
violence (likely over whether to fry their fish like good Aenglishmen or have
them in warm milk like crazy Norsemen…). The results were seen on the field of
After a bit of too-ing and fro-ing the two sides eventually approached
each other
The Anglo-Saxon warlord with his eorldermen, on the right, prepares to
tear up the side of the hill into the body of the milky-fish eating invaders
The Eorldermen and their boss take matters into their own hands and take the fight to the Vikings |
The bruising contest just before its sudden conclusion. The Vikings didn’t
carry this day, but after conceding that fish taste better with chips when they’re
fried, they vowed to have it out with those pesky aenglishemen again at some
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